Programma Dlya Postroeniya Prodoljnogo Profilya Avtomobiljnoj Dorogi
Similar words: (1.00) (0.67) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) computer Managed Instruction 1> (CMI) mashinnoe obuchenie. Computerland 1> Amerikanskaya firma, upravlyayushaya set'yu magazinov po prodazhe personal'nyh EVM i soputstvuyushih tovarov. Comp 1> (_sokr. Ot ac companiment) _razg.
About Ableton Live Pack. Please find here our current selection of Ableton Live Pack formatted sound packs from our preferred suppliers. To check out any of the Ableton Live Pack, simply click the play icon to hear the demo, or the product cover to read more details about what Ableton Live Pack are included in the pack. Journeys is a set of 128 Tension sounds for Ableton Live. This collection is master sound designer Gregory Simpson's endeavor to create sounds that evoke the essence of other times, places or cultures. There are a lot of free Live Packs available from Ableton alone, but a lot of people don't even realise it and thus, miss out on some quality presets and loops. Not all of these Live Packs listed below will be available for everyone. This depends on the type of license you have for Ableton Live.
Internal Links Analysis (Links Count: 6294) Internal Link is the link output that a website has given in its own site the pages of the page and domain name. Krest'yanskaya nuzhda i stradaniya emu nipochem, lish' by dostatochno bylo hleba, chtoby podderzhat' goroda, zheleznye dorogi i armiyu. Dlya etogo, po sushestvu, ne tak mnogo uzh i nuzhno. I za schet rezkogo sokrasheniya krest'yanskogo potrebleniya podobnyi eksperiment pri izvestnyh usloviyah osushestvit' vozmozhno.
Akkompanement (dzhaza) 2> (_sokr. Ot ac company) _razg. Akkompanirovat' 3> (_sokr. Ot complimentary) _razg. Besplatnyi bilet; priglasitel'nyi bilet; kontramarka 4> (_sokr. Ot complimentary) _razg. Chto-l poluchennoe besplatno 5> (_sokr.
Ot compositor) _razg. Naborshik 6> (_sokr. Ot competition) _razg.
Konkurs, sorevnovanie; _Ex: beauty comp konkurs krasoty compact 1> _knizh. Soglashenie, dogovor; _Ex: by compact po soglasheniyu, po dogovoru 2> (with) vstupat' v soglashenie; zaklyuchat' dogovor 3> pudrenica ili nebol'shaya korobochka s pudroi i rumyanami 4> kompaktnaya pudra 5> _razg.
Malolitrazhnyi avtomobil', malolitrazhka 6> kompaktnyi, plotnyi, tverdyi; sploshnoi; _Ex: compact texture _geol. Plotnaya ili odnorodnaya tekstura; _Ex: compact tissue _spec. Plotnoe veshestvo kosti 7> szhatyi 8> _knizh. Sostoyashii iz; _Ex: mind compact of formulas golova, zabitaya formulami; _Ex: a tale compact of moonstruck fancy rasskaz, v kotorom ne bylo nichego, krome nelepyh fantazii 9> malogabaritnyi; _Ex: a compact little flat malogabaritnaya kvartira; _Ex: compact car malolitrazhnyi avtomobil'; _Ex: a compact portable TV set perenosnoi televizor 10> soedinyat'; splachivat' 11> uplotnyat', szhimat'; spressovyvat' compact cassette 1> kompakt-kasseta compacted 1> kompaktnyi 2> plotno upakovannyi ili ulozhennyi compactible 1> uplotnyaemyi, poddayushiisya uplotneniyu; _Ex: compactible soil _s-h. Uplotnyaemye pochvy compacting 1> szhatie, uplotnenie compacting garbage collection 1> chistka pamyati s uplotneniem. Sposob chistki pamyati (garbage collection), pri kotorom ne ispol'zuemye programmoi bloki pamyati peremeshayutsya takim obrazom, chto posle zaversheniya chistki pamyati oni zanimayut nepreryvnyi uchastok pamyati.
Compaction 1> szhimanie, uplotnenie 2> plotnost', szhatost' compactly 1> plotno, kompaktno 2> szhato; tochno i kratko compactness 1> kompaktnost' 2> plotnost', szhatost' compadre 1> _isp. Krestnyi otec 2> priyatel', druzhishe compages 1> _spec. (slozhnaya) sistema stroeniya; harakter scepleniya chastei _Ex: compages of pipes sistema scepleniya trub compaginate 1> _redk.
Skreplyat', soedinyat' compander 1> _tel. Kompander (ustroistvo dlya izmeneniya diapazona gromkosti) companding 1> _svyaz.
Kompandirovanie companion 1> kompan'on, partner byt' kompan'onom, partnerom, soprovozhdat' companion 1> tovarish; _Ex: faithful companion vernyi tovarish; _Ex: companions in misfortune tovarishi po neschast'yu; _Ex: companion of one's youth tovarish yunosheskih let; _Ex: companion companion in crime _redk. Souchastnik prestupleniya; _Ex: she has been my faitful companion of 50 years ona byla mne vernoi sputnicei zhizni v techenie pyatidesyati let 2> kompan'on; kompan'onka; _Ex: a lady's companion kompan'onka damy 3> _ust. Kompan'on, partner 4> sobesednik; _Ex: poor companion neinteresnyi sobesednik; _Ex: not much of a companion neobshitel'nyi chelovek; _Ex: boon companion veselyi sobutyl'nik, vesel'chak 5> sputnik, sluchainyi sosed, poputchik; _Ex: my companion in the railway-carriage moi sputnik po vagonu 6> parnaya vesh'; _Ex: here's the glove for my left hand but where's its companion? Vot perchatka na levuyu ruku, a gde zhe pravaya?; _Ex: I lost the companion to this ear-ring ya poteryala odnu ser'gu 7> kavaler (ordena stepeni); _Ex: C.
Of Honour kavaler ordena Kavalerov pocheta; _Ex: C. Of Literature 'Spodvizhniki literatury' 8> (C.) 'Sputnik' (v nazvaniyah spravochnikov); _Ex: The Gardener's C. 'Sputnik sadovoda' 9> _astr. Sputnik zvezdy ili galaktiki 10> sostavlyayushii paru ili komplekt; _Ex: companion vase parnaya vaza; _Ex: a companion piece to this ornament vtoraya chast' etogo ukrasheniya; _Ex: some companion volumes to this set are missing v etom sobranii sochinenii nedostaet neskol'kih tomov 11> soputstvuyushii, soprovozhdayushii; _Ex: companion problem soputstvuyushaya problema; _Ex: companion crop _s-h. Sovmestnaya kul'tura, uplotnennaya kul'tura 12> byt' kompan'onom, sputnikom; soprovozhdat' 13> _razg. Druzhit' 14> _ust. Byt' sobesednikom 15> _mor.