Garbha Raksha Mantra Mp3 Download
Garbha raksha stotram telugu lyrics mantra for healthy pregnancy, safe delivery 11 times: This video and mp3 song of Garbha raksha stotram telugu lyrics mantra for healthy pregnancy, safe delivery 11 times is published by Hindu Pad on 28 Jan 2019.
Pregnant women and ladies praying for marriage: Slokam 1: Pregnant women praying for safe childbirth and easy labour should chant this garbaraksha stotram. Hey sangara Shamarahara PramadhaadhiNaadhari Mannaadha shaamba sasisuda HarithiriSulin sambo sugaprasava kiruthbavame dhayaalo HeyMaadhaviVanesa Paalayamaam Namasthe Sloka 2: Hamavath yuthare Paarchve shuradhaa naama yakshini Dhasyaa Shmarana Maathrena visalyaa Garbinibavedhu The Garbarakshambigai Sloka in Telugu: - We thank Lavanya Kanuri for the translation. Sloka 3: Garbarakshambigai Sloka for Pregnancy - Month by month prayer for pregnant women. This is a powerful stotram that can be chanted during pregnancy. The first slokam should be chanted in the first month, the second slokam in the second month and so on. Chant each slokam at least once every day, if time permits you can chant up to 108 times daily. The following Garbarakshambigai Slokams are for women trying to conceive: Sloka 1: Women who are trying to conceive should read the following Mantra of Devi Garbarakshambigai.
Aum Garbarakshambigaayai cha vidhmahe Mangala dhevadhaayai cha dheemahee Dhanno devi prachodhayaath 2 The Garbarakshambigai Slokam in Hindi ओम गर्भरकक्षांम्बिकाय़ै च विद्महे, मंगल देवतायै च धीमहि, तन्नौ देवी प्रचोतयात्। - We thank Sai Sudha for the translation. The Garbarakshambigai Stotram in Telugu ఓం గర్భరక్షాంబికాయై చ విధ్మహె మంగళ దెవతాయై చ ధీమహీ తన్నొ దెవి ప్రచొధయాథ్ - We thank Ramapalli Kiranmayee for the translation. Sloka 2: Aum devendhiraani namosthubyam Dhevendhira piriya baamini Vivaaha baagyam aarogyam puthra laabam sadhehime Padhim dhehi sudham dhehi Soubaagyam dhehime subhe Soumaangalyam subam Gnayanam Dhehime Garbarakshake Kaathyaayini mahaamaaye Maha yoginya dhisvari Nandhagoba seedham dhevam Padhim Megurudhe Namah Sloka 3: Slokam for early marriage and for conceiving a child The following is a prayer (stotram) that can be chanted by girls for early and good marriages.
It is also a prayer for conceiving. (This can be used as prayer for TTC, for those undergoing IVF and other fertility treatments) Om Devendhirani Namasdubhyam, Devendhira Priya Bamini, Vivaha Bhaghyam, Aroghyam, Puthra Labamsa thehimey, Bathim Dhehi,Sudham Dhehi, Soubaghyam Dhehimey, Subey, Sowmangalyam, Subham Gnanam, Dheimey Karbarakshake, Kathyayini mahaa maye, Maha Yoghinya Dheeswari, Nandhagopa Sudham Dhevam Pathim Mey Gurudhey Nama. Ghee Prasadam for Conception For conception, the priests at Garbarakshambigai Temple strongly recommend for 48 days while chanting the stotram. If you would like to receive the prasadam from the temple then we perform the puja on your behalf and get you the prasadam. Sharing the Slokas Chanting these slokas when you are trying to conceive has several physical and mental benefits.
It keeps your mind focused on God and also reduces stress and anxiety levels. Thereby helping you conceive. Kindly share these slokas to help spread the name and fame of Garbarakshambigai Amman and reach out to thousands of women. You have received the benefits of listening to these songs.
Please help pass these blessings along. Let us try and reach out to as many women as we can. I pray that you should be richly blessed when you help share these slokams. You can share by clicking on links below.
Dorami gde geroi snachala nenavidyat drug druga a potom vlyublyayutsya. Sharing the Slokas Listening to these songs and slokas during pregnancy and for conception is both physically and mentally beneficial. Kindly share these songs and slokas to help spread the name and fame of Garbarakshambigai Amman and reach out to thousands of women. Kindly share these songs and slokas to help spread the name and fame of Garbarakshambigai Amman and reach out to thousands of women. You have received the benefits of listening to these songs. Please help pass these blessings along. Let us try and reach out to as many women as we can.
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I pray that you should be richly blessed when you help share these slokams. You can share by clicking on links below. Dear Harith Don’t worry if you have problems conceiving. Thousands of people over the last 100 years who have offered prayers in this temple either directly or through others have been blessed with a child.
You can visit the temple between 5:00am-12:30am and in the evenings between 4:30pm-8:30pm. It is open on all days of the month. The sloka found here: can be chanted at any time of the day at your convenience.