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The POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS LIVE Class-room Lectures of SHUBHRA RANJAN will be held at SHUBHRA RANJAN IAS STUDY centre, Siddheshwara Arcade,89/A, Ist Floor, Chandra Layout 60 ft Main Road,Attiguppe Ward, Bangalore - 560040.

Certain characters are markedly different between Text and Display subfamilies. Courtesy Grilli Type. What are its distinguishing characteristics?

GT Eesti has a pleasant, straightforward quality. The text version’s dynamic character is due in part to diagonal cuts that open up the apertures. The ink traps and strongly tapered letterforms in this version prevent ink and pixel bleeding. The display subfamily’s more static nature derives from its horizontal and diagonal stroke endings and slightly larger counters. What should I use it for?


Swap in GT Eesti for a refreshing change of pace from, anywhere from books and posters to online uses. Who’s it friends with? It pairs quite well with, and also looks great with. Or double up on sans serifs and experiment with Bonus round: Grilli Type also offers, a limited-edition set of charming wooden blocks the designers created in collaboration with the Czech company that produced the original Soviet Union-era toy ($38 plus shipping). There’s also the whimsically entitled book designed by Reto Moser, Apfel, Ball, und Cha-Cha-Cha. The reflects the playful spirit of the toys and children’s books that inspired the typeface.

Courtesy of Grilli Type.

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