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Model Nadya Belousova pictured aged 11 (left) and after the start of her international career. Pictures: Olga Shvets To find the elusive model that no-one before could find. To make a splash in the world.
Vlad models Kati club * Vlad models Kati club * Vlad models Kati club * Vlad models Kati club: You have reached the website of the Most Beautiful Russian Models! The purpose of our agency is to promote Young Russian Models each following her own style of posing and costuming! You will find the most exclusive photo content inside!
Nadya Belousova, aged 12, from Angarsk was a sensational discovery by our agency 'Baikal Stars'. The career she is now building has started not only thanks to me, but also to her parents. They sent photos of Nadya to the agency. Then her height was 168 cm.
As soon as I looked at the girl, it became clear that she was a discovery. According to the traditional methods of promoting a model she would have not start her career until she was 14-to-16 years old. But I just made some good pictures of the girl and showed them to all my friend agents in Paris, New York, and Milan.
The response from all of them was the uniform: 'WOW!!!!!' , the countless exclamation marks being the highest degree of admiration. Model Nadya Belousova from Angarsk, Eastern Siberia. Picture: Olga Shvets What happened at this original shoot with her has become the talk of agents throughout the world. Asked to smile, the girl said: 'I can't'. Asked why, she said: 'Because I have no teeth!'
She was so immature at that age that her milk teeth had only just fallen out. At that time the fact of her participation in our projects couldn't have been even discussed: she was too young. During the winter, Nadia stretched up to 174 cm, the minimum height for professional models. Her teeth had grown. 'I made good pictures of Nadya and showed them to all my friend agents in Paris, New York and Milan. The response was the uniform: 'WOW!!!!!'
, the countless exclamation marks being the highest degree of admiration'. Model Nadya Belousova from Angarsk, Siberia. Pictures: Olga Shvets That's when I realised that it was time to announce that our agency was growing a new world star. Nadia took part in the competition Young Beauty of Lake Baikal-2009, attended by girls from a number of Siberian regions such as Khakassia, Buryatia, Chita and Irkutsk. Having won first place, she became the personification of the Siberian beauty. David Mancuso - agent from Milan 'Women' had travelled all over Russia never being photographed, yet he insisted: 'I cannot resist to be pictured with such a beauty. You really have the most beautiful girls.' This photo later appeared not only in the local press, but also on a set of web portals about fashion.
And a few weeks after the contest job offers for Nadia came from Japan, Italy and Taiwan. I cannot say that it was simple to make a decision. Her planned visit to Taiwan was in jeopardy, because I had to send Nadia there through a mediator. And the mediator did not want to talk about Nadia going with her mother.
Became the personification of the Siberian beauty'. Picture: Olga Shvets Usually agents are ready to take a girl of such age with her mother, they don't mind - but no-one is ready to pay mother's expenses.
After all, they are not a travel company providing free flights around the world. The situation was extremely complicated. But I had no choice than to start negotiating Nadya going with her mother, in fact - placing them in a separate room of the models' apartment. Otherwise the child would be separated from her mother. And I was not happy with this option. Its ok for a 14 year old girl - if she is independent, can cook, wash clothes and freshen up. But for a 12-year old child, with no-one speaking Russian around her, it would be a heavy stress. So I managed to persuade the agent that Nadya's mother should travel with her at their expense.