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Feb 14, 2019 Unity Script Collection. Unity Sprite Uber Shader - 3D shading for sprites (e.g. Normal mapping). Unity File Debug - enhanced Debug.Log with file export and web viewer; Immediate Window-- Type code and get immediate feedback with object inspection like chrome console debugger.
Tony_Pigram I just noticed in my line 279 for onConvMessage() the red-box highlighter is actually covering up the first ‘(‘ – apologies for that. So, the response should come back in the response object. Can you Log.Debug() that object to see what you are receiving?
Or even put a Debug stop on line 283 and use the Unity#d MonoDevelop to “see” what that object contains. One last point – you have setup the Watson Assistant service with a couple of Intents, Entities and some Dialog content and have tested that you have correct connectivity values – ie. It is connecting to the API okay? Tony_Pigram The STT code comes directly from the Watson SDK example code. Double-check your code against the code I used here: If you are hearing the “welcome message” then it means that the code has executed the code at #102 and has triggered the onConvMessage() at #279. Jean-LucD Hi, have this errors.
Tony_Pigram Hi Jean-LucD, It looks like that line in your post that is throwing the error is the following one: //around line 129 _speechToText.StartListening(OnSTTRecognize, OnSTTRecognizeSpeaker); I am aware that the Watson SDK has changed a couple of versions since I posted the article, so I went to check the Watson SDK here: I then took a look at the SDK source-code for the.StartListening() method: //around line 500 /// /// This starts the service listening and it will invoke the callback for any recognized speech. /// OnListen() must be called by the user to queue audio data to send to the service. /// StopListening() should be called when you want to stop listening. Skachatj igru antanta gold besplatno. /// /// All recognize results are passed to this callback.
/// Speaker label goes through this callback if it arrives separately from recognize result. /// Returns true on success, false on failure. Public bool StartListening(OnRecognize callback, OnRecognizeSpeaker speakerLabelCallback = null, Dictionary customData = null) { Then I took a look at the example code for the SDK (that I notice was changed 5 days ago): //around line 122 _service.StartListening(OnRecognize, OnRecognizeSpeaker); That matches my original code. The SDK code implies that if it is not passed 3 params it will just set the 3rd param to null. The error you are receiving “parameters do not match delegate” implies that the call is not being passed the parameters it is expecting, which is interesting. I wonder – have you tried the Example code and proven it is working with your setup/Unity Watson SDK version? LDMarkley Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial.
I followed along with it in the hopes of learning how to integrate the SDK in my project. I’ve followed your instructions completely and I’m running into four errors when I attempt to run my project. I’ve checked that I have the latest version of the SDK and the latest version of Unity. If you have any suggestions I’d appreciate the feedback as I’m not sure what is causing these issues. The chatbot DOES say the opening welcome line, so at least that part is working. I’ve also verified that all of my credentials have been entered correctly and my microphone does work with the TTS Example scene. First error – [Unity][CRITICAL] Unity Exception ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: text: IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.TextToSpeech.v1.TextToSpeech.ToSpeech (IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.TextToSpeech.v1.SuccessCallback`1 successCallback, IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.TextToSpeech.v1.FailCallback failCallback, System.String text, Boolean usePost, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 customData) (at Assets/Watson/Scripts/Services/TextToSpeech/v1/TextToSpeech.cs:392) Second error – ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. Tony_Pigram Hi LDMarkley, Hmmm. That looks like a repeat of the issue rajax was having (I wonder if he resolved it?). That code originated from the sample source here: Lines 117,188, 256 and 261->270. As you can see they are like-for-like. The ONLY difference is that I reference the usage of audioSrc for playing of the clip that I have assigned to the SALSA 3D (script) component- you should see if shown in the ‘Audio Source’ property.