Umar Hajyom Sherlari
May ichsang, oqilu dono bilan ich, Yoki bir gul yuzli zebo bilan ich. Oz-oz ich, goh-goh ich ham yashirin ich, Ezma, rasvo bo'lma, hayo bilan ich. (Umar Hayyom).
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🇺🇿 🇺🇿 - 12 days ago.
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Know more aboutor. Umar thought earlier in the novel after the birth qo'ri ruboiy will be presented to the soul, in a word, the world and about people.
A Poet evrilish donishmandona bosiqlik to the world, does not look taassuf mixed with apathy: change the world come from the hands of it's not that it is cause to worry. For her birth and death, good and evil, honest and forbidden — the same: all based on their natural qonuniyat.
Elak elaydi novel as representative of the mind worldly philosophy in the world — the universe and Man umumfalsafiy was measured by the criteria of the problem. A in this sense, creativity in the novel and also the people we died, too superior to stand — you will come face to a cruel philosophy that can cover the world. A farang But Laroshfuko philosopher: 'philosophy of the past and the future the event of a disaster is over, but your grief over the event, the philosophy of the future', — Umar also great philosophical thinkers does not meet the criteria ruboiy mean like Novel out of them zalvor po'rtana thoughts break through, to fit silsila beorom heart fiery emotions. Do not forget to leave your thoughts and review writing about the app!