Steam Api Init Failed
Feb 13, 2016 15:14:11 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! This dosent mean it dosent connect to steam, my servers have this and it works just fine. This is probably an arma bug, or a steam bug, may or may not be fixed next version. Blog film semi singkat. (probs when arma 3 updates their steam API).
Hi there, Recently I've been greenlit on steam, and have been trying to integrate with Unity. I've done all the importing steps and everything seems to be fine, except I get this error when running the game. [] SteamAPI_Init() failed. Refer to Valve's documentation or the comment above this line for more information. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object, Object) SteamManager:Awake() (at Assets/Scripts/Steamwork.NET/SteamManager.cs:97) I have my steam_appid.txt and steam_api.dll in the same place where the 'Assembly-CSharp' is, steam is running, my steam_appid is correct, etc Anyone have any idea why this is happening or things to try? There is a shocking lack of information about this error.