Samba De Amigo Wii Iso
Or at least they're not willing to share it. I pulled some of the files off the disc w/trucha and found the stage banners, song files and song data.
Home Forums PC, Console & Handheld Discussions Nintendo Wii Discussions Wii - Hacking Samba De Amigo NTSC Discussion in ' Wii - Hacking ' started by tenentenen, Sep 26, 2008.
The song files are in.brstm format (typical), the banners are.tpl (also typical) and the maraca data is in a unique format that I'm looking through now and trying to decipher. However it'll obviously be easier for everyone if we can do this via hacked DLC vs trucha discs as it's quicker and some of us (like me) have 3.3 and don't want to dick around with cIOS and the other stuff. So yeah, someone take one for the team and go buy it XD.
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