Profantasy City Designer 3 Torrent
Dungeon Designer 3 is a trademark of ProFantasy Software Ltd. All other company names, product names, art and logos are trademarks or registered. All you do is go to C:Program Files and make a 'ProFantasy' folder. Then drag and drop the CC3 folder (keep in mind there is a CC3 folder inside the CC3 folder when you download this bad torrent uploader) into ProFantasy folder. Note you want the one thats inside the original CC3 folder.
City Designer 3 is the add-on to CC3 for drawing settlements of any size. It contains more than 2,000 Smart Symbols plus powerful, completely new tools and dialog boxes such as House Builder, Street Builder, Street Indexer, and automatic Floorplan Creator. The function lets you create a labelled, hyperlinked index for your city with just a few mouse-clicks.
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City Designer 3's symbols, House Builder and Street Builder give you a wide choice of bitmap and vector styles including Present-day, Modern, Future, Cyberpunk, Skyscrapers, Gothic, Thatched, Wooden, Classical, Middle East, Hovels, Halfling and Elven. You can also create your own styles.
In addition to the functionality of CD Pro, CD3 will give you several new features: • Amazing automatic roof shading and shadows from any direction • A huge library of new art from Sean Thomas and Ed Bourelle • Improved house style creation to match the new art and roof shading, with lots of extra options • Automatically create and link floorplans from your houses From the smallest village to the greatest metropolis, the City Designer 3 add-on for CC3 is the only RPG tool that lets you create beautiful, incredibly detailed city maps with ease and speed. Mythology timeless tales of gods and heroes by edith hamilton pdf free download. City Designer 3 gives you astonishing control over every aspect of city creation. You can specify everything from global light direction for different zones and districts, right down to the style and shape of each house (even the chimneys). Every detail you could want is easy to find, simple to use—and looks great. Let City Designer 3 do the hard work for you.
Street Builder creates an entire street of different buildings with just two clicks. House Builder creates custom buildings matching the pre-drawn symbol styles (and you can add your own styles). The street-indexer creates hypertext linking to each location. You also get more than 2,000 new Smart Symbols for more than a dozen popular styles including Fantasy, SF, Present-day, Gothic, Orcish, Elvish and Classical. Just move a Smart Symbol over a road and it rotates precisely into position. CC 3 gives you the world.
City Designer 3 lets you go to town with it. System requirements: • A licensed, working copy of Campaign Cartographer 3 • 1.5 GB free hard disk space • DVD drive (for boxed version) Package contents: • City Designer 3 DVD • City Designer 3 Essentials Guide • Entitlement to download free update packs from the web • 90 days web-based technical support Product Availability Download: Will be available for purchase approximately 14 Dec 2008 Fulfilled immediately. DVD-ROM: Discontinued This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer or is no longer being carried by our distributor.