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Released the latest version of its flagship software. EDEM 2018 focuses on productivity and performance and includes features and enhancements that aim to enable users to speed up their workflow from setup to processing and analysis of simulations, the company reports. This release also introduces coupling solutions with finite element analysis software Abaqus from Dassault Systemes, SIMULIA and Multi-body Dynamics tool RecurDyn from FunctionBay. Here are some of the highlights of EDEM 2018: The EDEM Creator includes new tools that will primarily benefit users designing heavy equipment in the construction, mining, off-road and agriculture industries who are simulating machinery interacting with large beds of material.

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A new contact model for modeling complex cohesive materials such as fine dry powders, organic materials, soil and ore fines is now available as a standard built-in contact model in EDEM. This model, called Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion (EEPA), offers a solution for cohesive granular solids whose behavior changes depending on the stresses experienced by the material beforehand. It can help realistically simulate applications such as material adhesion to earthmoving equipment, soil-tyre interaction or for instance a cohesive powder compaction process such as tabletting. On the processing side, the GPU solver is now fully double precision. In addition, users making use of EDEM’s Application Programming Interface (API) will be able to use the GPU solver with their custom models. A range of enhancements have been applied to the EDEM Analyst for faster and advanced visualization and analysis.

A new feature enables pre-defined queries to be exported while the simulation is being calculated, enabling users to review results without having to wait until the end of the simulation or stop the simulation. The speed of data export has also been improved as well as the speed of graphing. New analysis methods have been added, including sensors for velocity profile, total mass, segregation and bulk density, providing quicker access to commonly used analysis methods.

On the visualization side, a range of enhancements have been included enabling users to make more realistic and dynamic videos. This includes notably the possibility to track a geometry with the camera as it moves, switching views automatically at a specified time, adding realistic textures to particles and geometries, changing opacity of particles as well as the capability to have different views and graphs side by side using the multi-view window. EDEM partners with CAE companies including ANSYS, MSC Software and Siemens PLM Software to offer a range of co-simulation solutions with finite element analysis (FEA), multi-body dynamics (MBD) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools.

New partnerships with Simulia and FunctionBay now enable the coupling of EDEM with Abaqus and RecurDyn. This means users can transfer realistic bulk material loads from EDEM to their FEA and MBD tool of choice. For more info, visit. Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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Mixer simulation involving 10 million particles. This type of simulation can greatly benefit from adding GPUs in parallel. (Image courtesy of EDEM.) DEM is a numerical method for computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles. While it is related to molecular dynamics, the method is generally distinguished by its inclusion of rotational degrees-of-freedom, as well as contact and complicated geometries, including polyhedral. With advances in computing power and numerical algorithms for nearest neighbor sorting, numerically simulating millions of particles on a single processor is possible. GPUs have become increasingly important for maximizing performance. DEM is regarded as an effective method of addressing engineering problems in granular and discontinuous materials, especially in granular flows and powder mechanics.

“Our customers have experienced the value of EDEM simulation across a wide variety of applications,” said Richard LaRoche, EDEM CEO. “As confidence in the method has grown, we are seeing rapidly evolving requirements for applying EDEM to solve many industrial problems involving a large number of fine particles, notably in the powder handling industries such as additive manufacturing. This means it is more important than ever to be able to simulate a large number of particles in a shorter time. With EDEM 2019, we’re excited to announce a range of capabilities that expand the applications that EDEM can address.” Some of the highlights of the EDEM 2019 release include: • The EDEM multi-GPU solver engine that uses multiple GPU processors to increase the maximum size of simulation can be run on GPUs, which also increases performance. This means users can run large simulations faster. It also creates more possibilities to run much larger simulations that would not be possible on CPU only. Performance gains from adding a second GPU range between 30 to 90 percent depending on the distribution and size of the simulation.

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