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Power and choice 13th edition pdf Power Choice: An Introduction to Political Science 3363 W. Phillips Shively Books and Choice, Thirteenth Edition is a comparative, conceptual introduction to political science which. PHILLIPS SHIVELY is Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota, where he moved in 1971 after teaching at the University of Oregon and Yale University. He has also served as Visiting Professor at the University of Oslo in Norway.
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Why you should buy this e-book from us: • Instant Delivery: You will receive this e-book download link immediately at thank you page right after payment. • Cheapest Price: Save hundred of dollars compare to buy from other places • Unlimited Access: There is no restriction on using our e-book, you can download and store it everywhere, use it anytime on any device.• Various e-book formats: You will receive high quality PDF version mainly but if you want, you can request additional versions like mobi version to read on Kindle, epub version to read on Ibooks app. Phillips Shively’s Power & Choice offers an in-depth look into the nuances of politics, both domestic and international, through the use of multiple comparative perspectives and theoretical approaches. The major theme reflected in the title is based on Shively’s definition of politics as the making of collective choices for a group or state through the use of power. Using extended case examples from around the world, Power & Choice provides undergraduate students with a clear and engaging introduction to political philosophy, comparative legal systems, and international politics. Highlights of the fifteenth edition: • Additional coverage of the continuing fallout of the 2008–2009 worldwide economic crisis, the failed Arab Spring, the upsurge of populism and the fragility of democracies, and the Nigerian elections.
• New sections on the importance of norms in democratic government, the need to strike a balance in partisanship, the digital challenge to political parties, and the rise of “court” politics. • New examples include Rwanda’s attempt to eliminate the use of plastic bags, the two large-scale uprisings in Iran since its revolution, and climate change as an international problem of public goods. • A new four-color design and updated art program to better engage students.
• New pedagogical aids include “Major Themes to Look For” and review questions in every chapter, as well as new online study quizzes. ISBN 13: ISBN: 124.
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Author: Michael G. Roskin ISBN: Genre: Political Science File Size: 70. 82 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Download: 137 Read: 252 Explains the basics of political science Political Science: An Introduction, 13/e, provides a comprehensive and jargon-free introduction to the field's basic concepts and themes. It draws examples from the U.S. And other countries to introduce the entire field of political science to new readers. The authors stress how exciting politics can be, balancing practical and theoretical knowledge.