Diablo 3 Ps3 Save Editor 2017
Apr 29, 2014 new diablo 3 save editor. Marcus55 Apr 21, 2014. Step 3: Copy save from ps3 or xbox360 to a usb stick and copy it to pc. Step 4: Run Bruteforce and decrypt the save you want to modify. Forum Statistics Discussions: 128,490 Messages: 852,844 Members: 1,003,412. Oct 07, 2017 1. Get PS3 save, decrypt it with bsd (be sure 2 layer decryption is on) 2. Download CKY Editor (important) 3. Open your save 4. Go to your Inventory or stash 5. Create New Item On the right go to gems and Add your stuff =) U will See legendary gems =) Choose what ever u need. Go item Properties and Change to this item lvl = 0.
Uploading a video tutorial as i write this post right now so stayed tuned for the video link above when its finished processing this is a very simple program to use but it could use some improvements all it needs is a method to decrypt and encrypt the file without the need of bruteforce since bruteforce is an unsupported program now since its been shut down and any traces of the program removed from the internet aside from links posted by people who kept a backup of the program for personal use. Basically while we wait for the video to upload these are steps needed to use the program provided in this thread. Step 1: Download Bruteforce and the D3Editor. Step 2 Install Bruteforce and extract the D3Editor Files to a folder on your desktop for easy access. Step 3: Copy save from ps3 or xbox360 to a usb stick and copy it to pc. Step 4: Run Bruteforce and decrypt the save you want to modify.
(PS3 Only) Step 4: Xbox360 instructions unknown to me at time refer to beginning of thread from any xbox details. (Xbox360 ONLY) Step 5: Run DIIIEditor.exe and open the save we just decrypted. Step 6: Make edits to account data or specific character data using the built in UI the program offers you to make things nice and simple.
Step 7: There is a save button from each section I would suggest saving before switching tabs to make sure things are being saved along the way through-out the modding process just to be safe Step 8: When all modifications are done don't forget to click Save-All under the file tab at top left of window. There you go you've learned the basics to using the DIIIEditor enjoy and happy modding *Note when dealing with the quests tab for characters I would suggest only adding and not subtracting adding seems to work fine within the program but subtracting more then 1 quest seems to corrupt and mess up you save so i wouldn't take any chances with removing quests only add quests if you really have to. Viper I want to start by saying thank you for creating this video for us. As I have watched the video I have a few corrections for clarity. I don't belong to xpgamesaves but one of the team members dose, so they posted it for us. The rare naming you are correct can be problematic but through trial and error anyone can help expand upon the known names, there aren't very meany as of right now.
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The raw tab is exactly that the raw file data according to what the game says. Please check the latest version for the quest removal error if it still exist post a comment in the XPG thread or on the project site and let us know. You can change any gem that is equipped in an item, the only things you cant do is equip and unequipp a gem. This video is a great basic starting point for anyone who wants basic knowledge on how to use it but there is so much more that it can do, and that can be done.
Cdc driver for mtk 6582 rom. Step 3: Next go to Device Manager in that and click on your PC name and then click on Add legacy hardware, see below screenshot. Step 5: Now click on Next on the wizard to install the drivers and when promoted for security issue just click on install any anyway to finish the driver installation. Step 2: Now open Device Manager in your PC by right clicking on My Computer and then click on Manage. Step 4: Now in Add Hardware Wizard click on Next >> Install the Hardware that i manually select from a list (Advanced) >> Show All Devices >> Next >>Have a Disk >> Browse, Now select any inf file from where you extracted the downloaded drivers.
In the next day or 2 there will be a update the team is working on some interface changes that I think will look great and will help expand on what can be added to the editor its self. Again thank you viper, if you have any questions you can leave me a message on the project page as I don't use this e-mail and hardly ever login to watch youtube.
NOTE:First of all i did not create this tool, Im just sharing it all credit to their owners. This is in his own words.Diablo3 Save Editor Version Author: Jappi88 Ok guys, the moment u all have been waiting for is finally here! I present to you one of my best tools i ever made. It does allot of good things, and will keep you bussy for atleast a few weeks. First i explain in short what it does. It allows you to add/delete or modify items from your inventory or stash. The way im doing it is in my opinion READ!
It uses a resources.db to read all the item info, and images. U can download to latest version, or edit to your likings. The resources does contain some bad item ids tough.witch will result in a unknown item or item without image and info. You are free to find that bad ids, and fix it your self! After the resources.db we have the database.db. The database.db is importend, and it is used to add items to your save.
U cannot add items without the database! For now the databse contains maybe 200 items in total.witch is not much.but dont be fooled! The database will update itself whenever you load a save with items that are known by the resources but not by the db. U may encounter some bad items that may cause your game to freeze.try to add items carefully! Im not going to explain anything anymore.lol, its 3.45am here, and i worked quite some hours today.so im quite messed up atm ^_^' Try to enjoy what u have, and explore as much as you can! The tool has endless posibilities!