Chalo Na Khwahishon Ke Peeche Limca Song Free Download

My Name is Alaine Chang. In 1996 I was afflicted with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Within 2 yrs. I was fuly disabled, wheelchair bound & practically nonfunctional.

One of my Drs. Suggested a vegetarian diet to reduce pain. Told I would never walk again & I was only going to get worse.I had nothing to lose. So, I took his advise & slowly transitioned to a veg*an diet.

With each type of animal product I elminated, I began to improve, & this disease is incuable. By 2000 I was vegan and in therapy to untwist limbs & started to work on walking. In 2004 I founded The Vegetarian Way to help others improve their health. The past few years I overdid it, & regressed, but am taking 2010 to regain my health thru not just a vegan, but a whole foods plant based diet. I started this blog to document my progress.

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Not every recipe I create will be completely from stratch, but eventually they will be. My best friend, my Grandma lived to be 96 years old.

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Though not vegetarian, she taught me that you are what you eat & good food is something you create, not buy in a box & throw in the microwave. She passed away in 2009. She is & always will be my inspiration.

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La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum. Be, what you wanna be, taking things the way they come, nothing is as nice as finding paradise and Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum.

La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum. La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum. La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum.

La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum. La la la Bacardi Rum, la la la Bacardi Rum, nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light, Sippin’ on Bacardi Rum. January 2, 2013 You Are My Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Hello Honey Bunny.

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