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GLOBAL EDITION STEPHEN P. ROBBINS San Diego State University DAVID A. DECENZO Coastal Carolina University MARY COULTER Missouri State University PEARSON Boston Amsterdam Delhi Columbus Cape Town Mexico City Indianapolis Dubai Sao Paulo New York London Sydney Madrid San Francisco Upper Saddle River Milan Paris Hong Kong Munich Seoul Singapore Montreal Taipei Toronto Tokyo A Short Note to Students Preface About the Authors 15 17 23 Contemporary Approaches 47 Endnotes 49 Chapter 2 1 Pool H Chapter 1 Managers and Management 24 Who Are Managers and Where Do They Work?
26 What Three Characteristics Do All Organizations Share? 26 How Are Managers Different from Nonmanagerial Employees? 27 What Titles Do Managers Have? 27 Right or Wrong? 27 What Is Management?
28 From the Past to the Present Origins of managers/ management 29 What Do Managers Do? 30 What Are the Four Management Functions? 30 What Are Management Roles? 31 What Skills and Competencies Do Managers Need? 33 Is the Manager's Job Universal?
34 Technology and the Manager's Job Is It Still Managing When What You're Managing Are Robots? 34 and the Survey Says.
36 Why Study Management? 37 What Factors Are Reshaping and Redefining Management?
38 Why Are Customers Important to the Manager's Job? 38 Why Is Innovation Important to the Manager's Job? 39 Review Chapter Summary 40 • Understanding the Chapter 40 • Endnotes 41 Your Turn to Be a Manager 424 History Module A Brief History of Managements Roots Early Management 43 Classical Approaches 44 Behavioral Approach 45 Quantitative Approach 46 43 The Management Environment 50 What Is the External Environment and Why Is It Important? 52 How Has the Economy Changed? 53 From the Past to the Present Omnipotent/ symbolic views of management 54 What Role Do Demographics Play? Gonset gsb 101 manual meat.
55 Technology and the Manager's Job Changing and Improving the Way Managers Manage 55 How Does the External Environment Affect Managers? 56 Right or Wrong? 58 What Is Organizational Culture and Why Is It Important? 60 What Is Organizational Culture? -60 How Can Culture Be Assessed?
60 Where Does an Organization's Culture Come From? 61 How Do Employees Learn the Culture? 62 and the Survey Says.. 62 How Does Organizational Culture Affect Managers? 63 How Does Culture Affect What Employees Do? 63 How Does Culture Affect What Managers Do?
63 Review Chapter Summary 65 • Understanding the Chapter 65 • Endnotes 66 Your Turn to Be a Manager 428 Chapter 3 Integrative M a n a g e r i a l Issues 6 8 What Is Globalization and How Does It Affect Organizations? 70 What Does It Mean to Be 'Global'? 70 What Are the Different Types of Global Organizations? 71 How Do Organizations Go Global? 72 What Do Managers Need to Know About Managing in a Global Organization? 73 From the Past to the Present Geert Hofstede's study of cultural environments 74 What Does Society Expect from Organizations and Managers? 76 10 CONTENTS How Can Organizations Demonstrate Socially Responsible Actions?
76 Should Organizations Be Socially Involved? 77 and the Survey Says. 78 What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important? 78 What Factors Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior? 78 In What Ways Can Ethics Be Viewed? 79 How Can Managers Encourage Ethical Behavior?
80 What Is Today's Workforce Like and How Does It Affect the Way Organizations Are Managed? 81 What Is Workplace Diversity?

82 What Types of Diversity Are Found in Workplaces? 82 Right or Wrong? 83 How Are Organizations and Managers Adapting to a Changing Workforce?.85 Review Chapter Summary 87 • Understanding the Chapter 87 • Endnotes 89 Your Turn to Be a Manager 431 How Do Nonprogrammed Decisions Differ from Programmed Decisions? 104 How Are Problems, Types of Decisions, and Organizational Level Integrated?