Ansimss Sp 58 2009 Pdf

Manufacturers Standardization Society MSS-SP-58. Federal Specification. To-download PDF format. This is a great. Extracted from ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009.

Ansimss Sp 58 2009 Pdf

20 Oct 2011 The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) announces that revised Standard Practice, SP-55-2011, Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities, has been has been published AND approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an American National Standard (ANS). They also approved Standard Practice, SP-58-2009, Pipe Hangers and Supports –Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation. SP-55-2011, utilized for the visual evaluation of surface irregularities in steel castings for valves, flanges, fittings, and other piping components, was originally published in 1961 and is today referenced in many standards’ publications and employed through-out the Industry. On August 26, ANSI granted final approval of the revised MSS SP-55-2011 as an ANS. This Standard Practice is being published in its traditional book format (with improved spiral binding) and in a newly created electronic version (PDF). The new ANSI-approved American National Standard edition, ANSI/MSS SP-55-2011, is now available and is used extensively in the chemical, petro-chemical, nuclear, boiler and pressure vessel, and other corrosive and high temperature industry environments.

This standard establishes the following: (a) Visual surface irregularity acceptance standards for steel parts; (b) Supplements requirements in identified ASTM Standards; (c) Provides a series of referenced photographs typical of the various surface irregularities; and (d) Identifies what is of generally acceptable and generally rejectable quality. Standard Practice, SP-58-2009, Pipe Hangers and Supports –Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation, has also been approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an American National Standard (ANS). SP-58-2009 was originally published in 1959 and is an established industry standard to assist and guide those tasked with the design, manufacture, specification, use, and inspection of pipe hangers, systems, and supports. In 2009, SP-58 was revised to comprehensively combine all of the content of five Pipe Hanger and Support standards into a single document. On February 11, 2011, ANSI granted final approval of MSS SP-58-2009 as an ANS.

ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009 includes all of the information from ANSI/MSS SP-69, Selection and Application; MSS SP-77, Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual Relations; MSS SP-89, Fabrication and Installation Practices; and MSS SP-90, Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports. This Standard Practice is used extensively in the power, plumbing, HVAC, construction, mechanical, electrical, industrial, fluid conveyance, and other related industries. It serves as a “complete guide” for pipe hanger and support design, manufacture, selection, and installation; enabling the user to specify a minimum level of acceptance for pipe hanger design and performance, in addition to defining the types of hangers and supports. The new ANSI-approved American National Standard edition, ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009, is now available; noting its content is substantively consistent with the superseded 2009 MSS-only edition. New revisions will be applied to the next ANSI/MSS version, which will utilize an accelerated review timeline so as to approve one unified and revised ANSI/MSS Standard Practice that benefits the industry as a whole and provides a basis for common practice by manufacturers, users, and the general public.

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Originally published in 1959, MSS SP-58-2018 incorporates the content of the original SP-58, along with the final editions of SP-69, SP-77, SP-89, and SP-90 in order to maintain a single-source document that enables the user to specify a minimum level of acceptance of pipe hangers and support design and performance, in addition to defining the types of hangers and supports. This revised edition includes many new inclusions and updated information. Qcom smart tool The 2009 edition of SP-58 was originally ANSI-approved and published in 2011. This Standard Practice was developed by a cooperative effort of representatives of pipe hanger manufacturers. In addition, this Standard Practice was balloted and approved by an ANSI/MSS Consensus Committee (users, suppliers, others) and by ANSI itself as a revised American National Standard. It is based on current 'best practice' and on the collective experience of the industry. Product Details Published: 2018 ANSI: ANSI Approved Number of Pages: 114 File Size: 1 file, 4.6 MB Document History • • • • • • • • • • • • Browse related products from Manufacturers Standardization Society •.

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